Inspired by the tasting notes of the beer writer Michael Jackson, Breakside in Portland, Oregon, recently brewed this West Coast–style IPA to honor Jackson and raise funds for the Michael Jackson Foundation for Brewing & Distilling.
Evan Price, cofounder and head brewer of Green Cheek in Orange, California, details how pH, water chemistry, hop varieties, and grain choices are all among the knobs you can turn to shape your ideal perception of bitterness in West Coast–style, hop-forward beers.
How did we get here? Green Cheek cofounder and head brewer Evan Price traces the recent history of IPA in the West Coast style, as it’s moved away from caramel and fully embraced pilsner malt.
From a word on water to dry hopping, fining, and carbonating, cofounder and head brewer Evan Price shares an overview of Green Cheek’s process for West Coast–style beers.
Does the world need a new style of IPA? Never mind, don’t answer that—instead, we’ll let Beachwood brewmaster Julian Shrago respond with this recipe for what he calls a “hyper IPA.”
Evan Price, cofounder and head brewer of Green Cheek in Orange, California, explains the thinking behind using different chloride-sulfate ratios for their West Coast pilsners, IPAs, and double IPAs.
Evan Price, cofounder and head brewer of Green Cheek in Orange, California, lays out the thinking and process behind their bright, bitter, and highly drinkable West Coast pils, IPA, and double IPA.
’Tis the season... Shaun Kalis, cofounder and brewer at Ruse Brewing in Portland, Oregon, shares this recipe for a fresh-hopped version of their bright, West Coast–style, Mosaic-heavy IPA.
So far, Anthony Tallman’s quest to brew the perfect hop-forward session beer has borne two GABF silver medals for Carlsbad Crush. But this San Diego brewer isn’t done experimenting with techniques, ingredients, or timing, as he continues to squeeze big hop flavors into Burgeon’s lean, drinkable beers.
From the team at Colorado’s Westbound & Down, we share a homebrew-scale recipe for their Spirit of the West, winner of consecutive silver medals at the 2022 Great American Beer Festival, the 2023 World Beer Cup, and then once again at the 2023 GABF.